
音楽 ドビュッシー・クープラン・ミヨー

La vie d'une Femme

musique de Debussy, Couperin et Milhaud 

5月21日(日)15時開演  May 21st Sunday. Will start at 15:00. 

本公演の全てのパフォーマンスを公開しました。再生リスト All performances of this show are now available at Youtube. Go see the Playlist. 






Izumiko Aoyagi, "La Vie d'une Femme - Le Music de Debussy, Couperin, et Milhaud". Bilitis, the noble woman in Domino, and Madame Bovary are women in history all fictitious. The music of Debussy, Couperin, and Milhaud depicts Bilitis, the Domino woman, Madame Bovary, and the way they play with and toy with their strange fates. The stage, combining piano performance, voice, video, and recitation, reveals the human figure. The world of Izumiko Aoyagi, going back and forth between sound and words, is in full prime!

To be performed with:

Tomomichi Watanabe/Piano 

Rumi Matsui/Soprano

OCCA/Image Production & Operation 





F. クープラン クラヴサン曲集 第3巻 第13組曲

1.  ゆりの花ひらく 

2. 葦

3. 胸飾りのリボン

4. フランス人気質、またはドミノ(仮面舞踏会の頭巾)

5. 煉獄の魂


C. ドビュッシー 「古代のエピグラフ」〜ピエール・ルイス詩集『ビリティスの歌』とともに(朗読つき)


D. ミヨー「ボヴァリー夫人のアルバム」〜ジャン・ルノワール監督「ボヴァリー夫人」:音楽と文学と映像

朗読:青柳いづみこ  ピアノ:渡邊智道  ソプラノ:松井るみ  映像:荻原哲


 François Couperin "Pieces de clavecin troisieme livre Ordre No.13"

Les lis naissants

Les rozeaux


FLes Folies Françoises, ou les Dominos 


Piano: Izumiko Aoyagi

C. Debussy "Six  Épigraphes Antiques" - with Pierre Louÿs's Poetry Book "Les Chansons de Bilitis"  with Recitation

Piano: Izumiko Aoyagi and Tomomichi Watanabe (piano duet)

Music, Literature and Images: "L'Album de Madame Bovary" by D. Milhaud - "Madame Bovary" by Jean Renoir

Recitation: Izumiko Aoyagi Piano: Tomomichi Watanabe Soprano: Rumi Matsui Image Operation: Satoshi Ogihara

青柳いづみこ (ピアニスト・文筆家)     Clic 🔽 on the right for English

安川加壽子、ピエール・バルビゼの各氏に師事。フランス国立マルセイユ音楽院首席卒業。東京藝術大学大学院博士課程修了、学術博士。矢代秋雄、八村義夫、武満徹作品によるリサイタル「残酷なやさしさ」により、平成元年度文化庁芸術祭賞。演奏と文筆を両立させる稀有な存在として注目を集め、これまでリリースした18枚のCDが「レコード芸術」で特選盤となるほか、安川加壽子の評伝「翼のはえた指」で吉田秀和賞、「青柳瑞穂の生涯」で日本エッセイストクラブ賞、「六本指のゴルトベルク」で講談社エッセイ賞、CD「ロマンティック・ドビュッシー」でミュージックペンクラブ音楽賞を受賞。近著に「高橋悠治という怪物」(河出書房新社)、「ドビュッシー  最後の1年」(中央公論新社)「阿佐ヶ谷アタリデ大ザケノンダ」(平凡社)、 CDに「海」(OTTAVA)、「ドビュッシーの夢」「物語」(ALM)など。2021年には、書籍「花を聴く、花を読む」(月曜社)とCD「花のアルバム」(ALM)を同時刊行。日本演奏連盟理事、日本ショパン協会理事。大阪音楽大学名誉教授、神戸女学院大学講師。                                               オフィシャルHP http://ondine-i.net  公式Facebook http://ja-jap.facebook.com/aoyagi.izumiko

Izumiko AOYAGI, Pianist-Writer

She long studied piano with Kazuko Yasukawa of the Tokyo University of the Arts and Pierre Barbizet of the Marseille Conservatoire. She finished the program with the premier prix at the Marseille Conservatoire, and continued studies and obtained a doctorate of Arts and Sciences from the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1989, she was awarded the prize  of ACA National Arts Festival given by  the Agency for Cultural Affairs, a governmental bureau of Japan, to her recital “Cruel Tenderness/Zankoku-na-yasashisa” that contained a program covering the Japan's contemporary piano pieces at that time by Akio Yashiro, Yoshio Hachimura, and Toru Takemitsu. 

As a concert pianist and writer, she has attracted the attention of the public for her excellent multi-faced performances in her parallel careers. She has to date recorded quite many CDs, of which 18 have been selected for “Special Choices of the Month” by the classical music review magazine “The Record Geijutsu”. In her capacity as a writer, she received the 9th Hidekazu Yoshida Prize in 1999 for “Winged Fingers”, the biography of Kazuko Yasukawa, her piano mentor. She also received the 49th Essayists’ Prize for the biography of write Mizuho Aoyagi, her grandfather, and Kodansha Essay Prize for "Six-fingered Goldberg", Music Penclub prize for her CD "Romantic Debussy". 

Her recent books include "Yuji Takahashi, a Monster of Music" from Kawade-Shobo-Shinsha Publishing, "The last year of Debussy" from Chuo-Koron-Shinsha Publishing, "Asagaya-Ataride-Oozake-Nonda/Booze at around Asagaya: Scribes meet with scribes" (Heibonsha), CDs "Umi/La Mer" (OTTAVA), "Debussy's Dream" and "Monogatari/L'histoires" (ALM). In 2021, a book "Hana-wo-Kiku, Hana-wo-Yomi/Écoutez les fleurs" (Getsuyosha Publishing) and a CD "Flower Album" (ALM) were published simultaneously.

She is an executive board member of Japan Federation of Musicians and of Frederic Chopin Society of Japan. Currently she is a professor emeritus of Osaka College of Music and a lecturer of Kobe College. Official HP http://ondine-i.net OfficialFacebook  http://ja-jap.facebook.com/aoyagi.izumiko

渡邊智道 (ピアニスト・作曲家)     Clic 🔽 on the right for English

大分県別府市出身。2019年、1stアルバム'渡邊智道 バッハ&ショパン'をリリース。使用楽器は、1887年製ニューヨーク・スタインウェイ’ローズウッド'。2021年、2ndアルバム'Classic Recording'をリリース。使用楽器は、1912年製ニューヨーク・スタインウェイ'CD75'。巨匠ピアニスト・ホロヴィッツに愛され、世界ツアーを共にした伝説の銘器。独奏、協奏曲客演、室内楽、伴奏で活動する傍ら、作曲を続けている。 オフィシャルHP  https://www.tomomichiwatanabe.com

Tomomichi WATANABE, Pianist-Composer

Born in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, he released his first album 'Tomomichi Watanabe Bach & Chopin' in 2019. He released his second album 'Classic Recording' in 2021.  He used a 1912 New York Steinway ‘CD75’, a legendary piano loved by the master pianist Horowitz, who toured the world with the piano. In addition to his activities as a soloist, he continues concerto guest, chamber musician, and accompanist. He also continues to compose music.

松井るみ (ソプラノ)     Clic 🔽 on the right for English

神戸女学院大学大学院音楽研究科を経て、仏セルジー・ポントワーズ地域圏立音楽院を審査員満場一致の最優秀成績で修了。帰国後、京都市立芸術大学大学院博士(後期)課程に進学。ヴェルレーヌ詩についての博士論文と学位申請リサイタルが認められ、博士号(音楽)取得。帰国後もフランスでの活動を続けている。2021年公益社団法人日本演奏連盟・文化庁主催による「新進演奏家育成プロジェクト リサイタル・シリーズに出演。住友生命いずみホールにてデビューリサイタルを行う。第12回 KOBE国際音楽コンクール優秀賞・審査委員長賞、第7回さかい九頭竜音楽コンクールにて、さかい九頭竜音楽賞、仏ル・マンにおけるフランス歌曲コンクールにて第3位(2位なし)など多数受賞。2015年ニース国際アカデミーにてディプロム取得。2016年白井光子氏による選抜デュオのための歌曲講習会に奨学金を得て参加(仏・トゥーレンヌ)、2017、2018年にはフランシス・プーランクアカデミーを修了。オペラの他に、フォーレ「レクイエム」、ベートーヴェン「第九」で京都市交響楽団などと共演。宗教曲ソリストとしても活躍している。京都フランス歌曲協会、関西歌曲研究会会員、関西二期会準会員。大阪芸術大学演奏学科非常勤講師。

Rumi Matsui, Soprano

After graduating from Kobe College Graduate School of Music, she completed her studies at the Conservatoire de Cergy-Pontoise, France, with the highest unanimous score from the jury. After returning to Japan, she entered the doctoral program at Kyoto City University of Arts. D. program at Kyoto City University of Arts. Her doctoral thesis on Verlaine's poetry and her degree application recital were accepted, and she was awarded a doctorate (music). In 2021, she appeared in the Recital Series of the Project for the Development of Up-and-Coming Musicians, sponsored by the Japan Federation of Musicians' Associations and the Agency for Cultural Affairs. She gave her debut recital at Sumitomo Seimei Izumi Hall. She received many awards including the Excellence Prize and the Jury President's Prize at the 12th KOBE International Music Competition, the Sakai Kuzuryu Music Prize at the 7th Sakai Kuzuryu Music Competition, and the 3rd Prize (without 2nd Prize) at the French Song Competition in Le Mans, France. 2015 Diploma from the International Academy of Nice, France. 2016 Diploma in Songwriting by Mitsuko Shirai. She received a scholarship to participate in a singing workshop for selected duos by Mitsuko Shirai (Turenne, France), and completed the Francis Poulenc Academy in 2017 and 2018. In addition to opera, she has performed with the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra and others in Faure's "Requiem" and Beethoven's “Ninth Symphony". She is also active as a religious music soloist. She is a member of the Kyoto French Song Society, the Kansai Song Study Group, and an associate member of the Kansai Nikikai. She is a part-time lecturer at Osaka University of Arts, Department of Performance.

映像 Image production & operation

OCCA/One-Coin Concert for ALL ワンコイン市民コンサート実行委員会    

荻原哲 Satoshi Ogihara Prof. Emeritus Osaka University